The Daily Friction

A daily newsletter about automation and eliminating friction.

Nobody cares about bad code if it works.

Nobody cares about bad code if it works. Besides you and your team, others don't care about the bad code that exists in your codebase. Management will not give you time to make the code better. So don't put it as a task on the board for the Product Owner to...

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Locality of Behavior principle (LoB):

Locality of Behavior principle (LoB): "The behavior of a unit of code should be as obvious as possible by looking only at that unit of code." This principle is starting to get more and more traction. I like it. You see it in components like React/Vue/Svelte. One file...

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‘Functions need to do one thing’-mantra is wrong.

'Functions need to do one thing'-mantra is wrong. Since Robert C. Marting wrote the book Clean Code, developers try to implement the guidelines from that book. One of them is to write Small focused functions. Please stop doing that! Don't let me go through multiple...

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This time it’s going to work: Papa!

This time it's going to work: Papa! My first word of my son was 'apple'. Now tutoring my little daughter of 9 months to say 'papa' (daddy) as her first word. Using the heavy guns for this: Letting her listen to the songfestival 'Europapa' song on repeat!

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Imagine if every microservice gave insights.

Imagine if every microservice gave insights. And that every piece of code would do generate these insights in the same way? Could you link one service call to another service call because they share the same logging schema with a parent id? That is what OpenTelemetry...

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When to create a Custom Activity?

When to create a Custom Activity? I'm always very reluctant to create Custom Activities. They come with a lot of bagage. Their stretch is excessively big, creating a lot of relations in all kinds of entities. Once you create a Custom Activity it's kind of permanent:...

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Five myths about .NET and C#

Five myths about .NET and C# Why is .NET not popular with startups? This was a question asked on Reddit, where the main theme in the answers was a lot of legacy thinking around C# and .NET. 1️⃣ Only for Windows From .NET 5 and up .NET is multi-platform. It can build...

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You hate doing Sales?

You hate doing Sales? Picture the pushy car salesperson who breathes down your neck. No one aspires to be that. Is that what sales is to you? It used to be for me 🤔. It's time to shatter that stereotype ❌. The first shift in perspective? Not every call has to...

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Don’t use /> in HTML 🚫!

Don't use /> in HTML 🚫! I always thought I needed to close HTML tags properly, even for tags like <br/>🏷️. It was in the hype around 2000s when the idea was that XHTML was the future. I was one of the first to pick this up and try to make my web pages...

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Playing with Microsoft Kiota

Playing with Microsoft Kiota I needed to create a strong typed client in C# based on a OpenAPI or Swagger definition. I like these generated models, it makes programming to a API in C# so much easier. Previously I always went for Azure AutoRest. But Microsoft Kiota is...

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Small, Daily Steps to Success!

Small, Daily Steps to Success! Success isn't birthed from grand, one-time events. It's the result of consistent, everyday actions. For instance, reading 10 pages daily trumps consuming a book in one go. This principle applies to fitness, relationships and business...

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Is Campaign still being used in Dynamics 365 Sales (CRM)?

Is Campaign still being used in Dynamics 365 Sales (CRM)? Campaign management has already been a long time in Dynamics 365 Sales, but is it still being used out in the wild? You can create a Campaign as a container for actions. You can add a Marketing List as a target...

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Remy van Duijkeren

Remy van Duijkeren

Power Platform Advisor

Microsoft Power Platform Advisor with over 25 years of experience in IT with a focus on (marketing) automation and integration.

Helping organizations with scaling their business by automating processes on the Power Platform (Dynamics 365).

Expert in Power Platform, Dynamics 365 (Marketing & Sales) and Azure Integration Services. Giving advice and strategy consultancy.

– Strategy and tactics advise
– Automating and integrating

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The Daily Friction

A daily newsletter on automation and eliminating friction